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Dash of dreams, sprinkle of faith, splash of inspiration, bask in Divine light as your higher self emerges."

~ Laura Carucci, CIAP, RM



CBS Radio Interview

Laura was recently interviewed by Celebrity Psychic and Radio Host Allison Hayes, The Rock Girl on Best of the Best, which airs on CBS Radio. Listen to the show!


Play Laura's interview on CBS Radio





Welcome to Zenmetry (Zen-me-tre), by Laura Carucci, CIAP, RMT, accessing enlightenment, peace and beauty through a balanced pysche and environment. 


Zenmetry offers services including Feng Shui, Reiki, Rocks, Hypnosis, Readings, and more. Reawaken your Soul’s desires. Remember the simplicity, playfulness, wonder and joy of your youth. Recaputure your passion, enthusiasm and pleasure for life. Stand in your truth with strength and wisdom. Take action, begin healing, embrace the energy, surrender your fears and delight in the adventure. Have faith in your power! Let your essence shine with beauty and grace. Create your sanctuary now. Live in a supportive, nurturing and restorative environment, immersing you in peace and tranquility, and emerge to your Soul’s Success. Conceive, Believe, Achieve!


Join me Sundays 6 p.m. EST  Each show we discuss how to incorporate Rocks and Crystals for powerful Feng Shui  enhancements! 


Now offering hypnosis services for health, relaxation, weight loss, goal setting, sports enhancements and more.  Healing from the Inside Out utilizing this service along with a Feng Shui consult to create the perfect environment for your success!


When you enter your home do you feel relaxed and comfortable? If not, you may benefit from a Feng Shui consultation or Space Clearing Ceremony.  Check out my page at


Moving to a new home or office? You may want to consider a Blessing Ceremony to thank your space and release your energy so it is an inviting space for the new occupants. Also a Blessing Ceremony to welcome you to your new space and set your intentions for peace, love, health and abundance.


Are there any rooms in your house or office that just don’t “feel” right? Do you believe you are expending more energy than you are receiving when interacting with others? If so, there may be an imbalance of energies at play.


Zenmetry offers a synergistic blend of holistic modalities to clients, enabling a truly unique and individualized experience. Utilizing Reiki; Feng Shui; Hypnosis, The Sacred Stone School Foundation Treatment, Energy Balancing with the Frequency of Stones; Chakra Balancing and Auric Cleansing; Space Clearing; Blessing Ceremonies and Soul Couching Oracle Card Readings to create the prefect receipt to your Soul’s success.  Visit My Certified Oracle Card Reader webpage.


So whether you are seeking holistic services for yourself, your loved ones, beloved pets, your home or office environment, we will blend our services to empower you to achieve your desired goals.  Offering Reiki and Long Distance (Remote) Reiki for you and your four legged friends.  Along with being a Reiki Mater Teacher I am a Rocks & Reiki Master and also Certified in Animal Reiki.   I personally blend IA Rock Recipes for specific individual goals to manifest and support the positive changes you are seeking now!  Stones are cleansed, infused and activated in a Sacred Space.  Each ingredient is handpicked with a unique blend for your specific needs, goals and desires!  Each pouch contains a detailed personalized list of stones, their specific metaphysical properties for your goals and how to care for, cleanse and re-charge the stones to continue with their optimal pure energy!


As a Rocks & Reiki Master I now am offering The Ultimate Relaxation Treatment including Hands on Healer, Foundation Treatment ,The Rock Girl® and The Rock Girl® Rocks & Reiki for Relaxation, $250 .  Recently added options are The Rock Girl® Rocks & Reiki for Meditation and The Rock Girl® Rocks & Reiki for Manifestation.  Each service offering a secret blend of sacred stones activated and attuned to enhance the benefits of the Reiki for each specific  goal.  Feel the potency of Reiki with the sacred healing rocks placed on and under you.   All rocks are from The Rock Girl® original stock.  They have never been in general circulation and were specifically chosen as healing tools.  Begin your journey with a Reiki program now.  Gift Certificates are available for all services. 


Rookkeeping 101,  learn the A, B, Cs of rockkeeping to keep your rocks happy, healthy and potent.  We will discuss techniques for proper care and placement of rocks.  You are free to bring your special rocks to class.  Check back for upcoming dates in 2014.  Class is from 12 noon to 3 p.m.  Cost of class is $50.  Pre-registration is required.  Reserve your seat today.  To pre-register go to


Cleansing Calcites, discover the qualities, healing properties and uses for Calcites.  These gentle, but efficient, cleansers can be used in your environment to help dissolve blockages, old patterns and self-limiting beliefs.  How are they created?  Does their origin matter?  How to choose the right one for you?  These and many other topics will be discussed in class.  You are free to bring your favorite calcites.    Check back for upcoming dates in 2014.  Class is from 12 noon to 3 p.m.  Cost of class is $50.  Pre-registration is required.  Reserve your seat today.  To pre-register go to


Reiki I, Discover the history and magic of Reiki.  What is Reiki?  How can I benefit from it?  This is a beginner’s Reiki Level I class.  Day One is a lecture on the history, rediscovery and magic of Reiki.  We will also introduce and practice proper hand positions.  Day Two is spent practicing and mastering the proper hand positions for self-Reiki.  Upon successful completion attendees will be attuned to Reiki I.  Class is a Two Day Session from 12 noon to 5 p.m.  Check back for upcoming dates in 2014. Cost of class is $250.00.  Pre-registration is required.  Reserve your seat today.  To pre-register go to


All services and classes are located at 344 Summit Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey 07663.



Laura Carucci offers Reiki, Rocks, Readings and more…

Certified by The Rock Girl Sacred Stone School in The Rock Girl Foundation Treatment

Esteemed member of Shay Parker’s Best American Healers

Graduate of Advanced Interior Alignment® Instinctive Feng Shui™ Program,

Licensed Certified Practitioner of Interior Alignment®

Interior Alignment® Feng Shui and Space Clearing Consultation and member of the International Feng Shui Guild

~ Interior Alignment® Syncho-Alignment™ session

~ Instinctive Feng Shui™ consultation

~ Seven Star Blessing™ Space Clearing


As a Reiki Master and Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Laura offers in-person and Long Distance Traditional Reiki sessions.


Certified by The Rock Girl Sacred Stone School in The Rock Girl Foundation Treatment, which utilizes the frequency of stones to balance and align the body. In addition, she performs Auric Cleansing and Chakra Balancing services for those in need of this service.  Laura’s Healing stones come from The Rock Girl’s Original Collection.  These rocks are old stock and have been individually chosen for their powerful healing properties.


Laura is Certified by Denise Linn as a Soul Coaching Oracle Card Reader. Using the Soul Coaching Oracle Cards, Laura assists her clients to seek guidance and clarity in achieving their goals.


Laura is a Certified Interior Alignment® Practitioner having received both her initial and advanced training with Master Teacher Laurie Bornstein at


Laura teaches classes on a variety of topics including: Reiki I, II, III and Master courses; Feng Shui and Bagua Basics; Chakra Balancing and Auric Cleansing Courses, creating Sacred Spaces and much more.


Laura has recently completed 100 hours of training to become a certified hypno-counsellor. Adding yet another tool in her kit to help you achieve your goals, whether they be weight loss, motivation, health, relaxation, sports enhancement and more.


Laura layers and blends her holistic services seamlessly providing a unique approach to empower and transform her clients. She also is dedicated to continuing her studies to ensure optimum results for her clients.   Join her for a workshop, lecture or training series. Laura is available for both in-person, on-line and remote services.


View Services

Remote Services

Gift Certificates are available for all services.


Chakra Balancing utilizing stone layout and pendulum 30 minutes


~ Initial Consult & Service  $55, thereafter $45 per session or Packet of 4 sessions for $125 Package Expires 90 days from purchase


Remote Reiki Initial Consult & Service $60 (50 minutes), thereafter $45 per session or  Packet of 4 sessions for $125 – Package Expires 90 days from purchase


Synchro-Alignment™  Initial Consult $150 (90 minutes).  Thereafter $75 (60 minutes)  Hypnosis


For Remote Feng Shui Services please visit


In Person Services

Gift Certificates are available for all services.


Ultimate Relaxation Treatment includes Hands on Healer, Foundation Treatment ,The Rock Girl® and Rocks & Reiki for Relaxation, Holiday Special $200


Traditional Reiki 45 minute session


~ Initial Appointment $90, thereafter $75


Traditional Reiki 60 minute session


~ Initial Appointment $115, thereafter $100


Traditional Reiki plus Takata Reiki 90 minute session


~ Initial appointment $175, thereafter $150


In Person Chakra Balancing and Auric Cleansing, 45 minutes


~ Initial Appointment $75, thereafter 30 minutes at $60 or Packet of 4 sessions for $200 Package Expires 90 days from purchase


Hands on Healer, Foundation Treatment ,The Rock Girl®


~ Initial appointment 1 hour $150, thereafter $115 or Packet of 4 sessions for $400, package expires 90 days from purchase


Reiki Session and Hands on Healer, Foundation Treatment, The Rock Girl® 2 hours $225


Synchro-Alignment™  Initial Consult $150 (90 minutes).  Thereafter $75 (60 minutes)  Hypnosis


Feng Shui Services and Pricing, please visit


Rock Recipes to support and manifest positive changes!


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Please select your service from the options below and schedule at your convenience!


Please note, all appointments are scheduled according to Eastern time and


prepayment is required via Paypal at the time of scheduling.  Thank you!


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What is Reiki?


Reiki is the Japanese word for “energy”. A Reiki session connects you to the Divine Universal Energy infusing your body with life force energy and dissipating old, unneeded energy.

How is Reiki performed?


Reiki is performed as an in-person session while the client is either sitting or in a reclined position. Long Distance Reiki is performed while a client is in a relaxed position.

How long is a session?


In-person sessions are offered in half hour, 1 hour, 1.5 hour or 2 hour sessions. Long Distance Reiki is normally performed in a half hour session.

Will I feel anything?


Reiki is performed while the client is fully clothed with a blanket for comfort. The Reiki I offer is performed hands-on. Clients have reported feeling sensations of heat, cold, tingling or vibration while the Reiki is being performed or shortly thereafter. It is advisable to drink plenty of water and rest after a session.

How often do I need to get Reiki?


Depending on the reason for the Reiki, initially you may need to come once every two weeks. After the initial stabilization, you will only need to visit once every three to six months or as symptoms arise.

What is Feng Shui?


Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of creating a harmonious space, balancing yin and yang energies, to support and nurture the occupants.  There are many Feng Shui disciplines.  I am a Certified Advanced Interior Alignment practitioner utilizing Medicine Wheel and Instinctive Feng Shui.

How is a Feng Shui consultation performed?


There is an initial phone consultations to gather information and discuss the type of service your seeking, i.e.: Home consult, one room consult; office consult or land consult. After the phone consult and receiving a floor plan digitally, I work with the energy of the floor plan in relation to the information I gathered.  Then we schedule an Skype, telephonic or in-person visit. This phase of the process can last up to 1.5 hours, after which a letter  report will be prepared listing recommendations in order of importance.

Will I have to buy all new furniture?


No. Instinctive Feng Shui can utilize your existing furniture. Recommendations will include rearrangement or deletion of certain pieces of furniture. Also recommendations may be made to paint and/or add items of certain color or texture to a space.  Rocks, crystals and other earth elements can also be recommended if these items align with the client.

What is the Synchro-Alignment™ method?


Synchro-Alignment™ is a type of guided visualization/meditation to align your personal and environmental energy to achieve your desired goal, whether you are seeking to manifest a more relaxed and serene quality of life, health, memory/concentration, weight loss, abundance, business success and more. By utilizing the guided meditation techniques I have mastered, we can choose the perfect script for your desired outcome.




What is The Rock Girl® Sacred Stone School Foundation Treatment?


The Rock Girl® Sacred Stone School Foundation Treatment utilizes rocks and crystals to balance energy and align Chakras. The Rock Girl Sacred Stone School Foundation Treatment is not recommended for clients with Pacemakers.

What does The Rock Girl® Sacred Stone School Foundation Treatment do?


The Rock Girl® Sacred Stone School Foundation Treatment utilizes rocks and crystals strategically placed an a reclining patient to balance energy and align Chakras. Our healing kit of Sacred Stones are from The Rock Girl’s Original Collection.  These stones are old stock that have been handpicked for  their enhanced healing properties.  They have been carefully kept out of general circulation to intensify their pure energies.  For this reason The Rock Girl Sacred Stone School Foundation Treatment is not recommended for clients with Pacemakers.

What is a Blessing Ceremony?

A Blessing Ceremony is a Sacred Blessing performed for a variety of reasons. Some reasons for a Blessing Ceremonies are as follows: A new home purchase; new offices; new land; blessing ceremony to bring in energies supportive of healing, abundance, joyful relationships and more…

What is Space Clearing?


Space Clearing is a Sacred Ceremony which is performed to clear out old energy and bring forth an enhanced vibrant energy in a space or item.

Why would I need Space Clearing?


If you feel unease or heaviness when entering a certain room, space or land. If a certain piece of furniture or item makes you uneasy or uncomfortable.

How are Blessing Ceremonies and Space Clearing Ceremonies performed?


Blessing Ceremonies and Space Clearing Ceremonies are Sacred Ceremonies which are performed utilizing certain meaningful items of the client and special tools. Upon entering a space, we will determine which tools will best achieve the desired outcome. We will perform the appropriate ceremony in each space to ensure the best and most positive outcome for our client. These Ceremonies range is duration depending on the size and scope of work being sought. Client participation is recommended as it adds power to the ceremony.

Is this some type of religious ceremony?


The services offered are those of a spiritual nature and do not have any religious affiliation.

What is Auric Cleansing and Chakra Balancing?


A Chakra assessment is performed.  If an imbalance or blockage is detected then the Auric field is carefully opened.  Old, unneeded energies are released, the Chakras are aligned  and the Auric Field is then cleansed and carefully sealed again, balancing the yin and yang energies.

What is a Soul Coaching Oracle Card Reading?


A Soul Coaching Oracle Card Reading utilizes a Soul Coaching Card spread of 1 to 12 cards to assist and guide you in an area of your life where you are seeking clarity or guidance.



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